The museum where you can experience
beauty and science.Shiseido Art & Science Lab
At this laboratory-style museum,
you can experience beauty and science through interactive communication.
Since it was founded in 1872,
Shiseido has breathed the new life of innovation into beauty,
such as through Shiseido cosmetics, lifestyle and culture, and the environment.
What this long journey has shown us is that there is no single answer to the question of beauty.
Instead, there are limitless possibilities.
We hope that at the Shiseido Art & Science Lab you will find beauty discoveries
that improve your daily life and the world of the future.
The visual experience focused on the “AWE”
that makes you more beautiful just by watching it.Beauty Retreat Theater
On the first floor, there is a massive high-definition Crystal LED display that covers an entire wall,
showcasing a approximately 7-minute video focused on the theme of AWE.

It's what you experience when presented with something so grand it's beyond comprehension.
It's the feeling you have when you stand before a sweeping vista, realizing how tiny you are in comparison.
Experiencing awe causes changes in your brain activity that suppress inflammation and make you more altruistic.
It affects both body and mind, and is reported to have a wide range of effects on society itself.
At the Beauty Retreat Theater, we apply our over four decades of
research on Kansei science*, using objective and scientific
approaches to explore people's subjective senses and psychology.
The video and audio used in the Beauty Retreat Theater were developed
under the guidance of the researchers engaged in the study of awe,
creating videos with a variety of elements that strike awe in viewers.
Experience these awe-inspiring videos,
which are constantly evolving in step with the changing seasons,
and become even more beautiful simply by watching.
*Kansei science is an approach to product innovation that focuses on emotional engineering.
Fusing aesthetics, sensory psychology and design,
it seeks to create objects and experiences that appeal to the senses (visual, olfactory, auditory and tactile)
in order to arouse an emotional response in the user.
Movie Themes
Nature and humanity. A landscape yet to be seen,
revealed by their mysterious similarities.Human Beauty Landscape
The mysterious similarity between the forms of nature and the beauty of the human body.
The macrocosm and microcosm resonate with each other;
within the body lies nature itself, and the grandeur of nature behaves like life itself.
This unseen beauty is now visualized as a stunning 16K image here
at the Beauty Retreat Theater through Shiseido's Art & Science.
“Human Beauty Landscape.”
What kind of scenery will you discover at the end of this journey toward its deepest point?
Theater Information
Screenings are held every 30 minutes,
but the schedule may change depending on circumstances.
Please be aware that experiences may also be unavailable due to maintenance or other reasons.
Thank you for your understanding.